DatabaseUSAgov’s Background101 service is a trusted provider of reliable background screening and drug testing.  We work with businesses and government agencies of all sizes, including Fortune 500 companies, providing employment screening solutions and services.

DatabaseUSA understands employment screening services are essential in helping you alleviate employee risk as part of the recruitment process. Our experienced team can work with you to recommend the right package to help you make informed decisions about who you are hiring.

A pre-employment background check can help you better ensure the person you’re hiring is who they claim to be, ensure they do not have a criminal record that would disqualify them from being hired and has a work history with which you are satisfied with.

DatabaseUSAgov’s Background101 service handles the essential process of screening your existing employees so that you are confident you still have the right candidates on board.  Performing existing employees background checks on current employees is an effective way to determine possible issues that could affect your business.

Current employees may present an even greater risk than job applicants.  You’ve invested time recruiting and training your employees.  They already work on your premises, have access to company possessions, and may interface with customers, vendors, and the general public as a representative of your company.  You need to be assured that there are no changes in the information you obtained during the initial background check.  Since an employee met your job requirements at the time of hire doesn’t mean nothing has happened since then.   As a business owner, HR professional or manager, your number one priority should be to protect the safety of your employees, along with your customers and your company’s reputation.

Screening employees post-hire is not limited to just criminal background checks.  DatabaseUSAgov’s Background101 service can work with you to create a fully customized employee re-screening process based on your company’s requirements, employee’s job responsibilities, and industry requirements. We can assist you in implementing a program to screen employees annually or at other intervals based on your needs.

Why is it so important to run another background check on my current employees?

  • Most importantly, have your current employees been convicted of a crime after being hired?
  • Post-hire due diligence can identify something that may have been missed initially.
  • Identify new threats that often arise due to an individual’s change in circumstances.
  • Companies with less than 100 employees often lack proper internal controls, making them an easy target for dishonest employees.
  • 40% of American drivers have a violation on their driving record.
  • Internal employee related thefts occur 15 times greater than external theft.
  • 30% of small business failure is caused by employee theft.
  • Embezzlement losses exceed $4 billion every year.
  • Employee fraud costs companies more than $400 billion dollars annually.

Why Use DatabaseUSAgov’s Background101 service?

  • Cutting-Edge technology and user friendly web-based system.
  • Customizable packages and results delivered to your specifications.
  • No contracts. No set-up fees. No minimum orders.
  • FCRA certified screeners ensure compliance and accuracy.
  • ATS Integration
  • Best-in-Class Customer Support

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